Weekly News Summary 10 May 2018


US President Donald Trump told the world that he is pulling the USA out of the Iranian nuclear deal. Europe is not pleased and Iran hopes this will help drive Europe further from the USA (see Donald Trump voids Iranian nuclear deal: There is still a threat). Europe is upset and wants further distance from the USA (see AP: Trump’s pull out from Iran deal deepens US isolation).

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin began another term in office (see Vladimir Putin begins another term: How will he affect world events? Is he the ‘prince of Rosh’?). Some have been confused about Iran, Syria, Israel, and Russia from a prophetic perspective (see Iran, Syria, Israel, and Russia: Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah). Our recommended sermonette for this week addresses prophetic truths as well as strives to correct some prophetic misunderstandings related to some of those nations (watch Iran & Syria vs Israel? Russia?).

Armenia’s parliament selected a protesting politician to be its prime minister–Armenia would like to be a bridge between the East and West and the Europeans have interest in engaging with Armenia (see Nikol Pashinyan is Armenian Prime Minister: EU wants to talk). This could, temporarily, work for Armenia, but prophetically it looks like it will one day turn against Europe while supporting Russia and other eastern-leaning powers (Jeremiah 51:27-29; cf. Daniel 11:44-45).

Some believe that it is up to Europe to ‘save the world’ (see “It’s Up To Europe” – Paul Craig Roberts On What Can Be Done To Save The World). And while the coming European Babylonian Beast power will temporarily cause much of the Gentile world to prosper, it will not last (Revelation 18). The Kingdom of God is the solution, but few seem to want to seriously consider that.

Radio News Reporter: John Hickey.

News sound effect: Recorded by Maximilien.