Philippians 1-2: God Will Not Give Up On You

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church of God in Philippi. In this first-part of a two-part sermon, Dr. Thiel covers each and every verse of the first two chapters of Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. He also includes a lot of commentary by the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God about these chapters. Topics covered include love, grace, church governance, the fact that God will not give up on you if you do not give up, falling away, grumblers, Timothy, Protestant errors of salvation, the gospel of the kingdom of God, who owns tithes, building character, why people die when they do, …

Faithful Christians Keep the Days of Unleavened Bread

Are Christians supposed to keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? If so, why? Are there numerous analogies between leaven, hypocrisy, and sin? Did early Christians keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? Do Greco-Roman Catholic, as well as Protestant, scholars agree that early Christians kept these days for centuries? Do sin and leaven puff up? Is that like Satan and his pride? What about sin vs. righteousness? How can you overcome sin and other problems you face? Should you resist the devil and ask for Jesus to help and strengthen you? …

Night to Be Observed

What is it? When is it? The KJV refers to it as "THE NIGHT TO BE MUCH OBSERVED." This scripture-packed animation includes background and specific information related to the children of Israel. It also gives some of the Old and New Testament prophetic ramifications of this event. How the NTBO is typically observed is also covered. The animation also includes a chart of scriptures and biblical dates to determine when that NTBO actually is. Furthermore, the animation provides information from …

Mercy: Loving your enemies

On the 'Sermon on the Mount,' Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. Can you do that? Why should you? How can you do that? Should you pray for your enemies and do good to them? Can you forgive someone who is not sorry? How can you show mercy to those who hate you? Is God really fair? Why did God allow Adolf Hitler? Will all reap what we sow according to the Apostle Paul? Can your physical and spiritual health be affected by the root of bitterness? Can a little leaven of bitterness hurt you a lot? Are Christians really supposed to control their thoughts? What are some health problems associated with being unwilling to forgive others? …

Melito and the Passover

The late second century overseer, Melito of Sardis, is considered to be a saint by the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and the Continuing Church of God. What were his views on the Godhead, millennium, the proper date for Passover (which Roman Catholics call Easter), and the proper books of the Old Testament? What did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, write about him? What did Melito teach about the Passover of the children of Israel and the fulfillment through Jesus? What about the need for animal sacrifices and a temple? Was Melito considered to be a prophet by Tertullian? Could Melito have known Polycarp of Smyrna? …

Deleavening Your Life

Prior to Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, the Bible teaches that Christians should examine whether or not they are in the faith and change. Do Christians need to overcome? What did the late Herbert W. Armstrong state about being saved and the blood of Christ? Do Christians still need to repent? What is sin? How does physical leaven help demonstrate traits of sin? What are physical leavening agents that Christians should remove? What are some physical items that are not actually leaven? Are Christians supposed to strive …

Is Easter Really A Christian Holiday?

Many consider that Easter is the most important holiday that Christians observe. Did early Christians observe it? Could Easter have been observed 4000 years ago? Do Greco-Roman Catholic and Protestant scholars teach that what is called Easter is supposed to be Passover. Do Easter eggs and rabbits come from the Bible? Does the Bible condemn hot cross buns and something that has connections to eating ham? Could Easter-Sunday and Passover be observed the same day and for the same reasons? Is there any connection of the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar and Easter? What about writings from the 8th century …

Christian Growth: Consider the Monarch

God has a purpose for everything He does. This sermon is based on a shorter message given by the late deacon Richard Close. Richard pointed out certain patterns of numbers and also tied some of them in with the physical creation. What about clean and unclean meats? What are the four stages of development of a monarch butterfly? Are humans called worms in scripture? What about the appearance of a chrysalis seemingly doing nothing? Is there any relationship that can be drawn from the metamorphosis of a pupa/chrysalis and a begotten child of God being changed? …