Weekly News Summary 9 August 2018


The USA re-imposed sanctions against Iran and the Europeans are not pleased (see USA reimposing sanctions against Iran, while EU resists). Actually, the Europeans are so displeased that they basically passed a law ordering firms not to comply with the Donald Trump pushed sanctions (see Donald Trump tweets trade threats, while Europe plans to get around them). On Tuesday, Donald Trump tweeted “Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States. I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!” The Europeans see this differently. More and more we are seeing trade issues between the USA and Europe.

Now, the UK has its issues as well. Because of the Brexit vote, and the desire for many in Europe that want to punish the UK for voting to leave the European Union, negotiations on future trade between the UK and EU have not gone well. The UK is now looking at perhaps having no trade deal with the EU until after the Brexit date of March 29, 2018 (see UK’s Secretary of State for International Trade states no-deal Brexit more likely).

The EU is getting more and more upset with the USA and UK. This will not end up well for either of them (cf. Daniel 11:39-45).

Over in Europe, the first two women were fined for violating a new Danish law which effectively bans facial veils used by some Islamic women (see ‘Denmark veil ban: First woman charged for wearing niqab’). Full or partial bans are also in place in France, Austria, Bulgaria and the German state of Bavaria. Another step against Islam was also proposed in Germany: to monitor Islamic children in case they may become terrorists (see DW: Islamist children pose real ‘threat’ to Germany, spy chief warns). The time will come, not when Islam will triumph in Europe, but when Europe will effectively eliminate Islam (cf. Daniel 11:40-43; Ezekiel 30:2-8; Revelation 13).

Many parts of the world have been affected by extreme weather within the past several weeks (see Record heat in Europe, Africa, & Asia, plus berserk weather in USA and ‘Massive wildfire rages after becoming largest in California’s history’ and Australia is ‘the land of droughts and flooding rains’). The Bible teaches that God sometimes uses extreme weather to urge people to repent, but that most do will not (cf. Amos 4:4-9). More extreme weather is coming (cf. Mark 13:8; Revelation 16:8-9).

Over in the Middle East, Israel and Gaza have escalating military tensions. Instead of agreeing on a temporal peace arrangement, rockets were fired from Gaza and Israel has retaliated (see  Gaza Border Fight Intensifies in Night of Rockets, Airstrikes). But the day is coming when a major temporal peace deal will come to the area (cf. Daniel (9:27). Such peace deals tend to come after conflict. We may well see more conflict in the region first, and this may involve not just Gaza, but Iran and Syria (cf. Isaiah 22).


Radio News Reporter: John Hickey.

News sound effect: Recorded by Maximilien.