Africa: Its biblical past, present, and future


Is Africa mentioned in the Bible? Who did the Africans descend from? Were there any Africans of note in the Old Testament? Did God intervene in the New Testament to insure an African would would be saved? Did any of the apostles get to Africa? Have there long been Sabbath-keepers in Africa? Are there faithful Christians in Africa today? Does God want Africans called and taught? Which African countries has the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) been involved in? Has God provided any intervention related to the CCOG in Africa? Should reaching Africans be despised or considered to be a fulfillment of going through doors that God opens? What about the day of small things? Does God have a plan to protect the Philadelphian Africans? Are Africans prophesied to see more wealth during the reign of the Beast? Does God have a plan to call more Africans?

A written article of related interest is titled "Africa: Its Biblical Past and Prophesied Future" URL:

An African website is also available: